1st July, 2020 Healthy Living

Achieve a better lifestyle with 3 important tools 

Achieve a better lifestyle with 3 important tools 

Hi all. I thought I would say something about trying and failing. Because what we often hear when starting helping a new client to change their lifestyle, is that they have been trying a diet for two to three weeks before dropping it, and then moving on to the next diet, and then the next. And so it continues. 

The big picture of Lifestyle Change

They usually don't have the diet plan, the exercise plan and the mental plan in place at the same time. I always advice to cover those three bases before starting your journey towards a more healthy lifestyle. If not, I don't think that you have given yourself a proper change to succeed.

We can use ourselves as an example. We have a goal and a dream of what we want YouCanShape to become, but we haven't always known how to make it happen. Therefore, every step we took, was like a step into the unknown. So for me it was very valuable to be able to talk to, and get advice from people who have succeeded before. They never told me that it was only one thing that was needed. They saw the total picture of everything that had to work together to create a positive synergic effect. 

You need a plan

The same applies when changing your lifestyle. We have always known that they needed more than just the diet plan, or just the workout plan. A major part of our clients success in getting a more healthy lifestyle, is to also focus on the mental aspects, which makes it easier to move through the challenges that they will face. If they are not mentally prepared, then the challenges might hit them in the face. Then giving up becomes easy.

Start right

We want to teach you how to have more positive thoughts, and ideally to realize that the negative thoughts are mostly just “noise” and nothing to worry about. So if you would like to get a proper start, with all the tools you need on your journey to a more healthy lifestyle, I recommend you go to our website and try it. Now you also get free access, and if you need more advice please contact us or feel free to ask in the comments section here, and we will help you as best we can. 

And with that I wish you a beautiful day.